eClinicalWorks V12 includes several major changes and improvements that make it easier for administration to use the system and provide better patient care. Here are some of the major changes in eClinicalWorks V12.Welcome back to Part 2 of eCW V12 Cheat Sheet by Revele. In Part 1, we covered new features that impact Admin and Front Office functions and Provider Benefits. We will be covering new Administration and Mid Office Benefits in this post. eClinicalWorks Version 12 (eCW v12) is the latest in the line of Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems from eClinicalWorks. It is packed with features that make EHR-based patient care easier and more efficient. In this blog, we will explore the new features in eClinicalWorks V12 and understand the benefits of upgrading to it.
Admin and Mid Office Benefits in eClinicalWorks EHRVersion 12
- Macros. Macros now work like dot phrases. You can still type the macros shortcut and click CTRL+SPACE, but you can now also type “.macros” to see a list and select. Macros are configured under Menu > EMR > Misc. Configuration Options > Configure Macros.
- Undo. In the individual sections of the progress note, an UNDO button now appears to quickly undo any mistakes within each section. It shifts between CLEAR and UNDO.
- Deactivating providers. Upon deactivating a provider, a pop-up reminder appears to alert admin to deactivate the provider SPI to prevent future refill requests.
- Concurrency Lock. The AOE data with concurrency locks now display under Menu > File > Settings > Release Concurrency Lock. Patient Merge is now affected by concurrency lock to prevent errors when merging patients.
- Practice Default for Environment Type. An option under practice defaults enables system administrators to indicate a test or production environment. Navigate to Menu > File > Practice Defaults > General Tab to enter a name that will display in the top left of eCW to easily identify the current environment.
- Easily identify your versions. Under Menu > Help > About eClinicalWorks > Version Info, eRxCloud, RxBenefit, Formulary, NDCCloud, and EPCS Hub versions are also available for easy access and indicators of version upgrades needed.
- Forgot Password. Administrators may enable the Forgot Password feature for users to re-admit themselves via an email. Admin > Login Settings > User Based > Pencil > Forgot Password to enable this feature.
- New Security Images. Upon logging in for the first time, there are now dozens of images to select from to enhance the security of your eCW.
- Security Setting: Visit Summary. This security setting enables users to view and print the Visit Summary: “Allow user to access the visit summary.”
- Security Setting: PHI. This security setting supersedes all others as it allows user access to PHI/PII, aka your eCW database: “Access to PHI and PII.”
- Auto Pagination. On multiple screens in eCW where lists are loaded, there is now an “AUTO” pagination option at the bottom left to auto-configure the results displayed per screen resolution. To enable, check the AUTO box at the bottom left of the screen.
- @ Mentions in Jelly Bean fields. In the D, R, T, and L jelly beans, users may @ a user in the notes, and the item is automatically assigned to that user.
- Keyboard shortcuts. Multiple keyboard shortcuts have been added to the Browser version. Keyboard shortcuts display next to their name under the left-side icons. For instance, Resource Schedule may now be accessed with CTRL+ALT+R.
- Provider services automatically cancel. Upon cancellation of a provider license, all services, including Nuance, Scribe, Touch, Mobile, and Nimbus, will cancel automatically.
- Provider details under signature. Under Admin > Providers > click profile, an option now appears to “Display Provider Additional Details.” This feature will add the provider's credentials and state license information under their signature in a locked progress note.
- Provider and Referring Provider columns. Admin > Providers and Admin > Referring Providers, there are more columns to easily glance at information for providers without having to click into the profile.
- Provider: accepting new patients. Admin > Providers > click profile, a check box is available to indicate the provider is “Accepting New Patients.”
- Out of Office Indicator. If Out of Office is set up under Menu > Set out of office, a purple indicator will appear next to that user name under the jelly beans to alert staff members that a provider/staff is out of office.
- Content Distribution Updates. Under Admin > Content Distribution, a VIS option is available for download. A new option for CVX and LOINC codes appears to “Reset and Download” in case of a system error. Additionally, downloading of Content Distribution items can now be completed by a staff member with admin privileges.
- Patient Merge - Merge Duplicate Patients. Item Key Code 3691_VAAEB enables enhancements for the Patient Merge screen, including detailed patient information of selected patients, merge logs, and partial merge errors. Additionally, under the patient hub > Logs, there is a Medical Record log to aid in patient merge.
- Analytics. A Throughput Analytics dashboard is now available by Item Key Code 4273_VAA and to users with the “Operations Dashboard Access” security setting. Throughput Analytics includes the Number of visits, patients per hour, and average waiting time.
- Safety and Compliance Dashboard. New KPIs have been added to monitor Custom Interface HL7 messages. Analytics > Safety and Compliance Dashboard. Threshold calculations are also now available on the dashboard. *The Patient Safety Dashboard feature is enabled by an item key. Contact eCW Support and refer to Item Key Code 4279_VAA.*
Version 12 offers an array of usability features for all eClinicalWorks software users, including those highlighted above. If you are looking for an EHR system that can help you deliver better patient care, then eClinicalWorks Version 12 is worth considering. Request Revele's Free eClinicalWorks Software Database Review and Audit to learn more about eClinicalWorks V12.
For Part 1 of eCW, click HERE
Look for Revele's following post, Part 3, highlighting billing and RCM features in eClinicalWorks V12!
Get a free eClinicalWorks software database analysis by Revele's eCW Software Optimization Specialists to learn how to optimize eClinicalWorks features and workflows.